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  发布者: 郑爽    所属单位:霞浦县溪南中心小学    发布时间:2022-04-16    浏览数( -) 【举报】

Unit10 What color is it?

Teaching design


执教教师:郑爽     溪南中心小学


Teaching material 


本课时内容是《北师大版小学英语》三年级下册Unit 10 What color is it?的第一课时。课文主要讲述的了PeterWang Li丢失了各自的宠物,在Mocky的帮助下寻找宠物的故事。在故事人物说明各自宠物过程中呈现了本单元的主要学习内容:颜色词汇以及询问和说明物品颜色的句型。故事中热心的Mocky询问PeterWang Li宠物的颜色,并带他们去请Uncle Booky帮忙寻找,自然地引出询问和说明颜色的句型What color is...Its...。故事渗透了乐于助人的情感教育内容,同时通过两个小主人着急地寻找丢失宠物的内容,渗透了要做负责人的宠物饲养人的观点。

Learn to say设置了失物招领的情景,引入了认领文具的内容,通过新的情景与人物呈现了全部颜色词汇的学习,体现了用英文交流信息的思路。

Student analysis



Teaching objectives

Skill Objective

1. 能询问或描述物品的颜色;

2. 能理解故事内容,并能朗读故事人物对话。

Knowledge Objective

1. 话题词汇:能够指认、说出物品的颜色:redbluegreenyellowblackbrownwhite

2. 情景词汇:能在语境中理解lostcome with meup in the tree的含义。

3. 句型:能运用What color is...Its....询问和描述物品的颜色。

Emotional Objective


Key & Difficult point

Key point :

1. 理解并正确朗读故事;

2. 认读颜色词汇:redbluegreenyellowblackbrown and white

Difficult point :



1 period

Teaching Tools

1. 配套教学光盘;

2. 自制课件;

3. Mocky,Peter,Wang Li人物头像;

4. 魔术工具:颜料、塑料瓶;

5. 彩色苹果贴纸、彩色笔。

Teaching Process

Step 1: Get Ready

1. Greeting

2. Competition 

Make a competition between boys and girls.

3. Sing the English song 

T & S sing the song red yellow green and blue together.

T: Whats the song talk about? show the topic Unit 10 Colors on the blackboard.

S: Learn the word Colors

4. Learn color 

  T: Show the picture of Mocky and lead to learn colorbrown.

  S: Learn the wordbrown.

  T: Ask Students help to find Mocky .

  S: Find where is Mocky.

Step 2: Listen and Read

1. Show Picture 1

Tell Students Mocky is in the lost animals and present lost animalsand its meaning on the screen.

2. Learn the story

   T: Guess whats the matter with Peter and Wang Li?why are they in the lost animals? ( watch the video ).

   S: Guess and watch the video.

   T: what does Peter lose?And what does Wang Li lose? ( Watch the video again ).

S: Watch the video again and find the answer.

T: What color is the dog? Whats his name?

What color is the cat? Whats her name?

What does Mocky say?

      ( Present picture 3-5 one by one ).

    S: Learn the story.

3. Brief review of the story.

    T: Who lost animals?

      What animals do they lose?

     What color are they?

   S: Review the whole story with teacher.

4. Role Play

  T: Play the part of Mock.

  S: Boys are Peter,girls are Wang Li,read whole story with teacher.

Step 3: Learn to say

1. Lost and found

  T: Ask students to find the losing bag in the classroom.

  S: Find the bag and learn the word white.

2. Learn color

  T: Magic show about colors

Present all colors one by one on the blackboard: redbluegreenyellowblackbrownwhite,and practise the sentence:

- What color is it?

- Its ...

  S: Learn the word and practise the dialogue.

3. Practise and application

  T & S play games together:

1. Boom game.

2. Hold a card.

Step 4: Listen and Point

T: Review all colors, finish the practise of Listen and Point,then check the answer.

S: Do the exercise with teacher,then check the answer.

Step 5: Summary

  T & S review what we have learn today.

   Words: redbluegreenyellowblack

    Sentences:  - What color is it?

 - Its ...


1. Share the story with your parents.

2.Choose your favorite color to paint a picture and show your painting in the next class.

Blackboard design

1         Unit 10  Colors

                What color is it?

                Its... .    



2          Competition


Boys                      Girls






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